Jesus Christ loves you with an everlasting love, but you need to accept Him as Lord and Savior

Jesus Christ loves you with an everlasting love, but you need to accept Him as Lord and Savior
Preacher/Teacher Jeff pictured above.

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

It is imperative that all Christians pray for the salvation of the Jewish people.  Do not rest comfortably with the thought that the Lord has re-established Israel as the Jewish homeland. Miraculous and wonderful though this post-WWII move of God has been, the true Kingdom of God is the City of God (term used by Augustine).  The City of God exists in its purest form as Heaven. The Earth is the City of Man. However, for born again Christians, we belong to the City of God while still alive on this Earth.  Our lives share still in some of the fleshly activities, attitudes, motives, desires, etc. of sinful humanity.  But we consistently and daily repent of our misplaced orientations, propensities, and loyalties, and ever seek to lead more holy lives.  The Scripture speaks of seeking righteousness. And we are told to be holy as He is holy. 

How are we going to bring more Jews to salvation?  The first and most important avenue for leading Jews to faith in Christ, for seeking Jews whom God has already elected for Christ, is to be in constant prayers for these lost souls.  God will also give us opportunities to witness in a convincing but non-threatening way to the lost souls of Israel. He will call them out from the radical secular humanist and/or Marxist ideological orientations that dominate so much of the Jewish people in the USA today.  Most Jewish persons, like myself before I was saved, do not attend synagogue, do not read the Old Testament, do not believe in God. They have some superficial understanding of the Ten Commandments and generally are law abiding citizens.  However, they ignore the Commandments that refer to exclusive worship of the Lord Our God Creator of the Universe. Thus, they only obey those of the Ten Commandments that refer to their earthly role.  However, if one truly reflects on such commandments as honoring one's father and mother, as well as not stealing and its corollary which is not coveting, how many Jews or anyone else for that matter, say they have kept those commandments all the time?

Pray for the Jews you know.  Pray for them individually if you know their names, and collectively. Pray for the Jewish people living in Israel.  Pray that they will become interested in the Bible, in the question of who is the Messiah, in learning about their spiritual heritage, and that they will be open to and curious about that "taboo book" the New Testament.  Pray for me as a thirty year Jewish convert to Christ that I may be able through the work of the Holy Spirit to lead Jews to faith in Jesus (called Y'shua by the Messianic movement of which, however, I am not a member).  Please pray for me and for the Jews earnestly and often in this regard.  Thank you dear friends.  Thank you.