This blog is to communicate urgent concerns that God be glorified in our lives. Secondarily, but importantly, I want to communicate the need to struggle against tyrannies in our culture, and the preservation of liberty and the principles of the U.S. Constitution.
Sunday, December 26, 2010
A friend of mine has said he has two things in his heart, cholesterol and sin. The former has gone down considerably, but the latter is still operating strongly. Self-centeredness means centeredness on sin. My self is sinful. It is by God's grace alone that I am reading the Holy Bible and praying. This sincere "need" for the Word of God and for communion through prayer with my Lord and Savior is not only a "cause," but an "effect." God's grace has put our prayers on our lips (we are in a sense praying the prayers he would have us pray, yet we retain our "freedom"). Then our prayers are "answered." Let's remember that we are praying to Him from within His own family. We are adopted. We call him "Abba" or even friend. It is not as though we were lone individuals praying to him, but we pray out of our relationship. He lives in us and we in Him (see John 17). My friend, Pastor Adam, learned I was going to exhort at a tenants' party in Brooklyn, NY. He prayed that the Lord would give me clarity. When I arrived home, I clearly saw what would be said and wrote my outline. His prayer was "answered" within the context of the close relationship and familial association we enjoy with God Almighty. Let's keep pleading with Him and leaning on Him in heartfelt obedience, and the revival we experience as individual Christians on a day-by-day basis will -- eventually -- spring up amazingly as rivers of faith wash whole communities and nations clean.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Almighty God is Omnipresent
I was reviewing my Global History students for a state test they are to take later this month. I was going over some of the heroes of Judaism and the ideas of that religion. Joseph was the subject of my remarks. About 3/4 through the class, two rabbis with yarmulkes on their heads showed up in the hallway outside my classroom! They had arrived a few minutes early for a meeting of the school's Jewish club which was to begin after my class ended. I told one of the rabbis about the amazing "coincidence." He replied, "My name's not Joseph, but my brothers don't like me."
Monday, March 1, 2010
Overcoming Loneliness
Institute for Christian Culture Laying the Foundation for the Next Reformation
Brian Abshire"Dr. B" has served as a Biblical counselor, lecturer in theology, youth, singles, young married and senior pastor. He is currently the Teaching Elder at Highlands Reformed Church, (Hanover Presbytery, Reformed Presbyterian Church). Article is abridged.
Loneliness can be defined as the feeling that we are destitute of sympathetic or friendly relationships. Since as we have seen, relationships are central to our well being (Gen 2:18 God Jn 17:3), it hurts to feel lonely. Now, we might be feeling lonely because of our situation; for any number of reasons, at any given point of time, we may not have people around us with whom we are close. For example college students moving away from home for the first time, or a family taking a job transfer to a new community might well feel lonely for a while until they form new friendships. In both cases, the loneliness will pass as people just go about their normal business, meet new people and form new relationships.
Well, frankly speaking, when we suffer from long term loneliness, we ought to first look at ourselves, rather than blame the problem on others. Blaming others is as old as Adam in the Garden who blamed both his wife and God for his sin in eating from the forbidden tree. In the modern world’s flee from responsibility, many psychotherapists have raised the issue of shifting the blame to a sacrament. Any one and any thing is held responsible for our problems, but never our own attitudes or actions.
The Biblical reality though is that sin separates us from God and others (Psa 66:18) and therefore if people experience a chronic lack of intimate, caring relationships, the reason might be because they are sinfully relating to God or others. There are a great number of ways that Christians sin against one another which can break relationships or prevent them from ever growing, resulting in loneliness. For example, they might have guilt over unresolved some sin. If you have sinned against someone, even though you might rationalize or attempt to justify it, you will experience true moral guilt as the Holy Spirit brings conviction into your life. If you harden your heart against this conviction, then you are not at peace with God, or your brother.
On the other hand, many Christians have a selfish rather than a selfless orientation. The world must revolve around their goals, expectations and feelings. When other people do not cater to their selfishness, such people can respond with anger and frustration, making intimate relationships impossible.
Some Christians have a competitive rather than cooperative spirit so every relationship is turned into a contest. Many Christians do not know how to deal with angry feelings and destroy relationships by the disastrous way they handle conflicts.
Some people distrust other’s intentions. They think people are out to use or abuse them and so keep them at arm’s length. Some Christians have developed such a “thin skin” filled with defensive behavior in order to avoid being hurt that no one can ever get close to them.
Brian Abshire"Dr. B" has served as a Biblical counselor, lecturer in theology, youth, singles, young married and senior pastor. He is currently the Teaching Elder at Highlands Reformed Church, (Hanover Presbytery, Reformed Presbyterian Church). Article is abridged.
Loneliness can be defined as the feeling that we are destitute of sympathetic or friendly relationships. Since as we have seen, relationships are central to our well being (Gen 2:18 God Jn 17:3), it hurts to feel lonely. Now, we might be feeling lonely because of our situation; for any number of reasons, at any given point of time, we may not have people around us with whom we are close. For example college students moving away from home for the first time, or a family taking a job transfer to a new community might well feel lonely for a while until they form new friendships. In both cases, the loneliness will pass as people just go about their normal business, meet new people and form new relationships.
Well, frankly speaking, when we suffer from long term loneliness, we ought to first look at ourselves, rather than blame the problem on others. Blaming others is as old as Adam in the Garden who blamed both his wife and God for his sin in eating from the forbidden tree. In the modern world’s flee from responsibility, many psychotherapists have raised the issue of shifting the blame to a sacrament. Any one and any thing is held responsible for our problems, but never our own attitudes or actions.
The Biblical reality though is that sin separates us from God and others (Psa 66:18) and therefore if people experience a chronic lack of intimate, caring relationships, the reason might be because they are sinfully relating to God or others. There are a great number of ways that Christians sin against one another which can break relationships or prevent them from ever growing, resulting in loneliness. For example, they might have guilt over unresolved some sin. If you have sinned against someone, even though you might rationalize or attempt to justify it, you will experience true moral guilt as the Holy Spirit brings conviction into your life. If you harden your heart against this conviction, then you are not at peace with God, or your brother.
On the other hand, many Christians have a selfish rather than a selfless orientation. The world must revolve around their goals, expectations and feelings. When other people do not cater to their selfishness, such people can respond with anger and frustration, making intimate relationships impossible.
Some Christians have a competitive rather than cooperative spirit so every relationship is turned into a contest. Many Christians do not know how to deal with angry feelings and destroy relationships by the disastrous way they handle conflicts.
Some people distrust other’s intentions. They think people are out to use or abuse them and so keep them at arm’s length. Some Christians have developed such a “thin skin” filled with defensive behavior in order to avoid being hurt that no one can ever get close to them.
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Old Testament Prophecies About the Coming of Jesus
Born of a virgin (Isaiah 7:14; Matthew 1:21-23)
A descendant of Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3; 22:18; Matthew 1:1; Galatians 3:16)
Of the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10; Luke 3:23, 33; Hebrews 7:14)
Of the house of David (2 Samuel 7:12-16; Matthew 1:1)
Born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2, Matthew 2:1; Luke 2:4-7)
Taken to Egypt (Hosea 11:1; Matthew 2:14-15)
Herod´s killing of the infants (Jeremiah 31:15; Matthew 2:16-18)
Anointed by the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 11:2; Matthew 3:16-17)
Heralded by the messenger of the Lord (John the Baptist) (Isaiah 40:3-5; Malachi 3:1; Matthew 3:1-3)
Would perform miracles (Isaiah 35:5-6; Matthew 9:35)
Would preach good news (Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:14-21)
Would minister in Galilee (Isaiah 9:1; Matthew 4:12-16) Would cleanse the Temple (Malachi 3:1; Matthew 21:12-13)
Would first present Himself as King 173,880 days from the decree to rebuild Jerusalem (Daniel 9:25; Matthew 21:4-11)
Would enter Jerusalem as a king on a donkey (Zechariah 9:9; Matthew 21:4-9)
Would be rejected by Jews (Psalm 118:22; I Peter 2:7)
Die a humiliating death (Psalm 22; Isaiah 53) involving:
rejection (Isaiah 53:3; John 1:10-11; 7:5,48)
betrayal by a friend (Psalm 41:9; Luke 22:3-4; John 13:18)
sold for 30 pieces of silver (Zechariah 11:12; Matthew 26:14-15)
silence before His accusers (Isaiah 53:7; Matthew 27:12-14)
being mocked (Psalm 22: 7-8; Matthew 27:31)
beaten (Isaiah 52:14; Matthew 27:26)
spit upon (Isaiah 50:6; Matthew 27:30)
piercing His hands and feet (Psalm 22:16; Matthew 27:31)
being crucified with thieves (Isaiah 53:12; Matthew 27:38)
praying for His persecutors (Isaiah 53:12; Luke 23:34)
piercing His side (Zechariah 12:10; John 19:34)
given gall and vinegar to drink (Psalm 69:21, Matthew 27:34, Luke 23:36)
no broken bones (Psalm 34:20; John 19:32-36)
buried in a rich man’s tomb (Isaiah 53:9; Matthew 27:57-60)
casting lots for His garments (Psalm 22:18; John 19:23-24)
Would rise from the dead!! (Psalm 16:10; Mark 16:6; Acts 2:31)
Ascend into Heaven (Psalm 68:18; Acts 1:9)
Would sit down at the right hand of God (Psalm 110:1; Hebrews 1:3)
A descendant of Abraham (Genesis 12:1-3; 22:18; Matthew 1:1; Galatians 3:16)
Of the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49:10; Luke 3:23, 33; Hebrews 7:14)
Of the house of David (2 Samuel 7:12-16; Matthew 1:1)
Born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2, Matthew 2:1; Luke 2:4-7)
Taken to Egypt (Hosea 11:1; Matthew 2:14-15)
Herod´s killing of the infants (Jeremiah 31:15; Matthew 2:16-18)
Anointed by the Holy Spirit (Isaiah 11:2; Matthew 3:16-17)
Heralded by the messenger of the Lord (John the Baptist) (Isaiah 40:3-5; Malachi 3:1; Matthew 3:1-3)
Would perform miracles (Isaiah 35:5-6; Matthew 9:35)
Would preach good news (Isaiah 61:1; Luke 4:14-21)
Would minister in Galilee (Isaiah 9:1; Matthew 4:12-16) Would cleanse the Temple (Malachi 3:1; Matthew 21:12-13)
Would first present Himself as King 173,880 days from the decree to rebuild Jerusalem (Daniel 9:25; Matthew 21:4-11)
Would enter Jerusalem as a king on a donkey (Zechariah 9:9; Matthew 21:4-9)
Would be rejected by Jews (Psalm 118:22; I Peter 2:7)
Die a humiliating death (Psalm 22; Isaiah 53) involving:
rejection (Isaiah 53:3; John 1:10-11; 7:5,48)
betrayal by a friend (Psalm 41:9; Luke 22:3-4; John 13:18)
sold for 30 pieces of silver (Zechariah 11:12; Matthew 26:14-15)
silence before His accusers (Isaiah 53:7; Matthew 27:12-14)
being mocked (Psalm 22: 7-8; Matthew 27:31)
beaten (Isaiah 52:14; Matthew 27:26)
spit upon (Isaiah 50:6; Matthew 27:30)
piercing His hands and feet (Psalm 22:16; Matthew 27:31)
being crucified with thieves (Isaiah 53:12; Matthew 27:38)
praying for His persecutors (Isaiah 53:12; Luke 23:34)
piercing His side (Zechariah 12:10; John 19:34)
given gall and vinegar to drink (Psalm 69:21, Matthew 27:34, Luke 23:36)
no broken bones (Psalm 34:20; John 19:32-36)
buried in a rich man’s tomb (Isaiah 53:9; Matthew 27:57-60)
casting lots for His garments (Psalm 22:18; John 19:23-24)
Would rise from the dead!! (Psalm 16:10; Mark 16:6; Acts 2:31)
Ascend into Heaven (Psalm 68:18; Acts 1:9)
Would sit down at the right hand of God (Psalm 110:1; Hebrews 1:3)
Old Testament Prophecies of the Coming of Jesus Christ
Additional Old Testament Scripture That Describes The Coming Messiah
The Messianic Prophecy (paraphrased) Where the prophecy appears in the Old Testament (written between 1450 BC and 430BC) Jesus’ fulfillment of the prophecy in the New Testament (written between 45 and 95 AD)
The Messiah will be the offspring (descendant) of the woman (Eve) Genesis 3:15 Galatians 4:4
The Messiah will be a descendant of Abraham, through whom everyone on earth will be blessed Genesis 12:3; 18:18 Acts 3:25,26
The Messiah will be a descendant of Judah Genesis 49:10 Matthew 1:2 and Luke 3:33
The Messiah will be a prophet like Moses Deuteronomy 18:15-19 Acts 3:22,23
The Messiah will be the Son of God Psalm 2:7 Matthew 3:17; Mark 1:11; Luke 3:22
The Messiah will be raised from the dead (resurrected) Psalm 16:10,11 Matthew 28:5-9; Mark 16:6; Luke 24:4-7; John 20:11-16; Acts 1:3 and 2:32
The Messiah crucifixion experience Psalm 22 (contains 11 prophecies—not all listed here) Matthew 27:34-50 and John 19:17-30
The Messiah will be sneered at and mocked Psalm 22:7 Luke 23:11,35-39
The Messiah will be pierced through hands and feet Psalm 22:16 Luke 23:33 and 24:36-39;
John 19:18 and 20:19-20,24-27
The Messiah’s bones will not be broken (a person’s legs were usually broken after being crucified to speed up their death) Psalm 22:17 and 34:20 John 19:31-33,36
Men Will Gamble for the Messiah’s clothing Psalm 22:18 Matthew 27:35; Mark 15:24; Luke 23:34; John 19:23,24
The Messiah will accused by false witnesses Psalm 35:11 Matthew 26:59,60 and Mark 14:56,57
The Messiah will be hated without a cause Psalm 35:19 and 69:4 John 15:23-25
The Messiah will be betrayed by a friend Psalm 41:9 John 13:18,21
The Messiah will ascend to heaven (at the right hand of God) Psalm 68:18 Luke 24:51; Acts 1:9; 2:33-35; 3:20-21; 5:31,32; 7:55-56; Romans 8:34; Ephesians 1:20,21; Colossians 3:1; Hebrews 1:3; 8:1; 10:12; 12:2; 1 Pet 3:22 . . . sorry, we got carried away!
The Messiah will be given vinegar and gall to drink Psalm 69:21 Matthew 27:34; Mark 15:23; John 19:29,30
Great kings will pay homage and tribute to the Messiah Psalm 72:10,11 Matthew 2:1-11
The Messiah is a “stone the builders rejected” who will become the “head cornerstone” Psalm 118:22,23 and Isaiah 28:16 Matthew 21:42,43; Acts 4:11; Ephesians 2:20; 1 Peter 2:6-8
The Messiah will be a descendant of David Psalm 132:11 and Jeremiah 23:5,6; 33:15,16 Luke 1:32,33
The Messiah will be a born of a virgin Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 1:26-35
The Messiah’s first spiritual work will be in Galilee Isaiah 9:1-7 Matthew 4:12-16
The Messiah will make the blind see, the deaf hear, etc. Isaiah 35:5-6 Many places. Also see Matthew 11:3-6 and John 11:47
The Messiah will be beaten, mocked, and spat upon Isaiah 50:6 Matthew 26:67 and 27:26-31
The “Gospel according to Isaiah” Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
People will hear and not believe the “arm of the LORD” (Messiah) Isaiah 53:1 John 12:37,38
The Messiah will be rejected Isaiah 53:3 Matthew 27:20-25; Mark 15:8-14; Luke 23:18-23; John 19:14,15
The Messiah will be killed Isaiah 53:5-9 Matthew 27:50; Mark 15:37-39; Luke 23:46; John 19:30
The Messiah will be silent in front of his accusers Isaiah 53:7 Matthew 26:62,63 and 27:12-14
The Messiah will be buried with the rich Isaiah 53:9 Matthew 27:59,60; Mark 15:46; Luke 23:52,53; John 19:38-42
The Messiah will be crucified with criminals Isaiah 53:12 Matthew 27:38; Mark 15:27; Luke 23:32,33
The Messiah is part of the new and everlasting covenant Isaiah 55:3-4 and Jeremiah 31:31-34 Matthew 26:28; Mark 14:24; Luke 22:20; Hebrews 8:6-13
The Messiah will be our intercessor (intervene for us and plead on our behalf) Isaiah 59:16 Hebrews 9:15
The Messiah has two missions Isaiah 61:1-3 (first mission ends at “. . . year of the LORD’s favor”) First mission: Luke 4:16-21; Second mission: to be fulfilled at the end of the world
The Messiah will come at a specific time Daniel 9:25-26 Galatians 4:4 and Ephesians 1:10
The Messiah will be born in Bethlehem Micah 5:2 Matthew 2:1 and Luke 2:4-7
The Messiah will enter Jerusalem riding a donkey Zechariah 9:9 Matthew 21:1-11
The Messiah will be sold for 30 pieces of silver Zechariah 11:12,13 Matthew 26:15 with Matthew 27:3-10
The Messiah will forsaken by His disciples Zechariah 13:7 Matthew 26:31,56
The Messiah will enter the Temple with authority Malachi 3:1 Matthew 21:12 and Luke 19:45
How do we know that these verses were not written after Jesus, and then inserted into the Hebrew Scriptures to "prove" that Jesus was the prophesied messiah?
Many people who do not believe in the Bible say this. However, manuscripts have been found that confirm that these various prophecies were written down 400-1,000 years before they actually occurred. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls put to rest most of such idle talk.
How do we know these verses were messianic prophecies?
Couldn’t someone have read these texts after Jesus came along and claimed they are Messianic prophecies?”
The reason we know these texts were intended to be Messianic prophecies is because they were recognized (and discussed) by Jewish rabbis and perceived as "messianic" long before Jesus’ birth.
The Messianic Prophecy (paraphrased) Where the prophecy appears in the Old Testament (written between 1450 BC and 430BC) Jesus’ fulfillment of the prophecy in the New Testament (written between 45 and 95 AD)
The Messiah will be the offspring (descendant) of the woman (Eve) Genesis 3:15 Galatians 4:4
The Messiah will be a descendant of Abraham, through whom everyone on earth will be blessed Genesis 12:3; 18:18 Acts 3:25,26
The Messiah will be a descendant of Judah Genesis 49:10 Matthew 1:2 and Luke 3:33
The Messiah will be a prophet like Moses Deuteronomy 18:15-19 Acts 3:22,23
The Messiah will be the Son of God Psalm 2:7 Matthew 3:17; Mark 1:11; Luke 3:22
The Messiah will be raised from the dead (resurrected) Psalm 16:10,11 Matthew 28:5-9; Mark 16:6; Luke 24:4-7; John 20:11-16; Acts 1:3 and 2:32
The Messiah crucifixion experience Psalm 22 (contains 11 prophecies—not all listed here) Matthew 27:34-50 and John 19:17-30
The Messiah will be sneered at and mocked Psalm 22:7 Luke 23:11,35-39
The Messiah will be pierced through hands and feet Psalm 22:16 Luke 23:33 and 24:36-39;
John 19:18 and 20:19-20,24-27
The Messiah’s bones will not be broken (a person’s legs were usually broken after being crucified to speed up their death) Psalm 22:17 and 34:20 John 19:31-33,36
Men Will Gamble for the Messiah’s clothing Psalm 22:18 Matthew 27:35; Mark 15:24; Luke 23:34; John 19:23,24
The Messiah will accused by false witnesses Psalm 35:11 Matthew 26:59,60 and Mark 14:56,57
The Messiah will be hated without a cause Psalm 35:19 and 69:4 John 15:23-25
The Messiah will be betrayed by a friend Psalm 41:9 John 13:18,21
The Messiah will ascend to heaven (at the right hand of God) Psalm 68:18 Luke 24:51; Acts 1:9; 2:33-35; 3:20-21; 5:31,32; 7:55-56; Romans 8:34; Ephesians 1:20,21; Colossians 3:1; Hebrews 1:3; 8:1; 10:12; 12:2; 1 Pet 3:22 . . . sorry, we got carried away!
The Messiah will be given vinegar and gall to drink Psalm 69:21 Matthew 27:34; Mark 15:23; John 19:29,30
Great kings will pay homage and tribute to the Messiah Psalm 72:10,11 Matthew 2:1-11
The Messiah is a “stone the builders rejected” who will become the “head cornerstone” Psalm 118:22,23 and Isaiah 28:16 Matthew 21:42,43; Acts 4:11; Ephesians 2:20; 1 Peter 2:6-8
The Messiah will be a descendant of David Psalm 132:11 and Jeremiah 23:5,6; 33:15,16 Luke 1:32,33
The Messiah will be a born of a virgin Isaiah 7:14 Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 1:26-35
The Messiah’s first spiritual work will be in Galilee Isaiah 9:1-7 Matthew 4:12-16
The Messiah will make the blind see, the deaf hear, etc. Isaiah 35:5-6 Many places. Also see Matthew 11:3-6 and John 11:47
The Messiah will be beaten, mocked, and spat upon Isaiah 50:6 Matthew 26:67 and 27:26-31
The “Gospel according to Isaiah” Isaiah 52:13-53:12 Matthew, Mark, Luke, John
People will hear and not believe the “arm of the LORD” (Messiah) Isaiah 53:1 John 12:37,38
The Messiah will be rejected Isaiah 53:3 Matthew 27:20-25; Mark 15:8-14; Luke 23:18-23; John 19:14,15
The Messiah will be killed Isaiah 53:5-9 Matthew 27:50; Mark 15:37-39; Luke 23:46; John 19:30
The Messiah will be silent in front of his accusers Isaiah 53:7 Matthew 26:62,63 and 27:12-14
The Messiah will be buried with the rich Isaiah 53:9 Matthew 27:59,60; Mark 15:46; Luke 23:52,53; John 19:38-42
The Messiah will be crucified with criminals Isaiah 53:12 Matthew 27:38; Mark 15:27; Luke 23:32,33
The Messiah is part of the new and everlasting covenant Isaiah 55:3-4 and Jeremiah 31:31-34 Matthew 26:28; Mark 14:24; Luke 22:20; Hebrews 8:6-13
The Messiah will be our intercessor (intervene for us and plead on our behalf) Isaiah 59:16 Hebrews 9:15
The Messiah has two missions Isaiah 61:1-3 (first mission ends at “. . . year of the LORD’s favor”) First mission: Luke 4:16-21; Second mission: to be fulfilled at the end of the world
The Messiah will come at a specific time Daniel 9:25-26 Galatians 4:4 and Ephesians 1:10
The Messiah will be born in Bethlehem Micah 5:2 Matthew 2:1 and Luke 2:4-7
The Messiah will enter Jerusalem riding a donkey Zechariah 9:9 Matthew 21:1-11
The Messiah will be sold for 30 pieces of silver Zechariah 11:12,13 Matthew 26:15 with Matthew 27:3-10
The Messiah will forsaken by His disciples Zechariah 13:7 Matthew 26:31,56
The Messiah will enter the Temple with authority Malachi 3:1 Matthew 21:12 and Luke 19:45
How do we know that these verses were not written after Jesus, and then inserted into the Hebrew Scriptures to "prove" that Jesus was the prophesied messiah?
Many people who do not believe in the Bible say this. However, manuscripts have been found that confirm that these various prophecies were written down 400-1,000 years before they actually occurred. The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls put to rest most of such idle talk.
How do we know these verses were messianic prophecies?
Couldn’t someone have read these texts after Jesus came along and claimed they are Messianic prophecies?”
The reason we know these texts were intended to be Messianic prophecies is because they were recognized (and discussed) by Jewish rabbis and perceived as "messianic" long before Jesus’ birth.
Friday, February 19, 2010
Exercise Your Faith by Samuel Ward
Introduction: Samuel Ward lived from 1577 to 1639. Ward, a moderate Puritan himself, was a student of the Puritan William Perkins and always remained favorable towards Puritanism, even when Puritanism was not a popular position and despite Ward's remaining a staunch royalist.
So that when you want to get anything out of your wayward heart, set your faith to work, and you will be sure to obtain it. The power of God will secretly empower your heart, infusing it with a pliable willingness, and making your will lamb-like, and dove-like. All this it does by fetching its efficacy from the life and death of Christ, from that mighty power whereby Christ raised himself from the dead, cured all the diseases, and performed his miracles. This transforms the heart of man, and creates new principles of action in him. Prove this power in the mortifying of your flesh to sin, and in making your spirit alive to holiness.
So that when you want to get anything out of your wayward heart, set your faith to work, and you will be sure to obtain it. The power of God will secretly empower your heart, infusing it with a pliable willingness, and making your will lamb-like, and dove-like. All this it does by fetching its efficacy from the life and death of Christ, from that mighty power whereby Christ raised himself from the dead, cured all the diseases, and performed his miracles. This transforms the heart of man, and creates new principles of action in him. Prove this power in the mortifying of your flesh to sin, and in making your spirit alive to holiness.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
The Internal Testimony of The Spirit

What then is meant by this internal testimony of the Spirit? An internal testimony of the Spiritmay mean an extraordinary inspirtation or new direct revelation by which Christians are given special assurance that Scripture is God's Word, such as the assurance that was given to the prophets and apostles who received direct revelations from God. This assurance is independent either of the authority of the church or of any human arguments or reasonings. But this is not what we mean here by the internal testimony of the Spirit. Our faith in Scripture as God's Word is not based on any such private testimony given by the Holy Spirit. Nor is it based on any subjective feelings or experiences, for the following reasons:
1.Since the completion of Scripture, the church needs no new extraordinary direct revelations from God. This would overthrow the perfection of Scripture.
2.Those who are to believe will not be able, if new revelations are still being given, to protect themselves from delusions and from being imposed on by the deceits of Satan. New revelations are either to be tried by Scripture or they are exempt from such trial. If tried by Scripture, then these new revelations acknowledge Scripture to be a superior rule, judgment and testimony. So these new revelations cannot be that on which our faith can ultimately rest....
But that work of the Spirit which may be called an internal real testimony [of the Spirit] produces stability and assurance of faith.... From The Spirit and the Church by John Owen, abridged by R.J. K. Law
In Memory of James Ford
Bro. James Ford of Calvary Baptist Church in New York went to his heavenly home this past week. Bro. Ford was a most engaging man who really had a deep, abiding love for his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. He was a man of integrity, strength of character, and kindness. I will miss this brother tremendously, and am comforted only by the knowledge that we shall be together again on the other side of the river.
Thursday, February 11, 2010
The Power of God by Stephen Charnock
Here's an interesting quotation from the writings of Stephen Charnock, a preacher who lived in 17th century England.
"His power, as well as his wisdom, gives him a right to govern: nothing can equal him, therefore nothing can share the command with him; since all things are his works, it is fittest they should be under his order: he that frames a work, is fittest to guide and govern it. God hath the most right to govern, because he hath knowledge to direct his power, and power to execute the results of his wisdom: he knows what is convenient to order, and hath strength to effect what he orders. As his power would be oppressive without goodness and wisdom, so his goodness and wisdom would be fruitless without power."
"His power, as well as his wisdom, gives him a right to govern: nothing can equal him, therefore nothing can share the command with him; since all things are his works, it is fittest they should be under his order: he that frames a work, is fittest to guide and govern it. God hath the most right to govern, because he hath knowledge to direct his power, and power to execute the results of his wisdom: he knows what is convenient to order, and hath strength to effect what he orders. As his power would be oppressive without goodness and wisdom, so his goodness and wisdom would be fruitless without power."
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Boasting Is Ungodly
Jeremiah 9:23-24 (New International Version)
23 This is what the LORD says: "Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches,
24 but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight," declares the LORD.
23 This is what the LORD says: "Let not the wise man boast of his wisdom or the strong man boast of his strength or the rich man boast of his riches,
24 but let him who boasts boast about this: that he understands and knows me, that I am the LORD, who exercises kindness, justice and righteousness on earth, for in these I delight," declares the LORD.
My wife and I were discussing boasters and boasting. We went into our Bibles and discovered the above verses. We have all met boasters. They always "one up" us. If we say we took a relaxing one week cruise to the Bahamas, they will tell us emphatically that they will be leaving soon for three weeks in Aruba!
Verse 23 selects three specific boasters. First, the rich man. These boasters are kings and queens of conspicuous consumption. They show off their possessions: my house, my tenants, my house upstate, my vacation. They believe they are living in splendor and find a continuous need to announce it. Of course, it should be understood that not boasting does not mean that one is not boasting in his or her heart. There are rich people who affect modesty. Rich students I have known made it a point to drive a used or less than elegant car or to "dress down" and avoid finery. Yet, were they inwardly over-impressed with their resources? One cannot say. Only the Lord God Almighty can judge that.
Isn't it surprising though that we are not supposed to boast even of our wisdom. Wisdom seems to be virtuous. Yet, if we think about it, it makes sense. the Book of Proverbs emphasizes over and over that true wisdom comes from the Lord. He receives the credit, so to speak, for any true wisdom that we may have or communicate.
Verse 24 exhorts us to boast only in the Lord. However, what is a "boast" in the Lord? It really is praise of the Lord. This verse gratefully lifts up the kindness, justice, and righteousness of the Lord. It is He who understands and knows us. He is our Creator. He knows His creatures in ways that we in our limited and often specious human wisdom cannot know ourselves or others. He is the very essence of kindness (the Hebrew word is "chesed" - sometimes translated as loving kindness or mercy). The word is similar to the Greek agape love, although I think agape is somewhat more elevated than chesed.
I want to go out checking myself everyday. Have I been boasting? Have I directed the proper gratitude and praise to the Lord God Almighty through His Son Jesus Christ for his kindness, justice, and righteousness?
Blessings to all,
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